Shadowbox Witch – Small Frame


Within the confines of a black shadowbox, a mesmerizing glimpse into the Victorian period unfolds. A cabinet photograph takes centre stage, capturing a woman adorned with a witch hat, her mysterious gaze echoing tales of a bygone era. Encased in the black frame, she becomes a timeless figure, evoking the mystique of Victorian elegance and enchantment.

Beneath the photographic enchantress, a delicate tableau emerges. Moss and mushrooms intertwine, creating a miniature world that bridges the realms of the photograph and the natural. The shadowbox becomes a portal, inviting observers to peer into the layers of history and fantasy, where the Victorian woman with a witch hat reigns over a woodland tapestry.

This black shadowbox serves as a vessel for the convergence of history and nature, where the bewitching allure of the photograph meets the organic charm of moss and mushrooms. It’s a visual narrative that transports onlookers to a realm where the past and the present dance in harmonious union.

Common materials used by Stygian Crow Studio include: insulation foam, chipboard, paper clay, translucent clay, spackle, paper, flocking, leaves, glue, vintage tea cups, aluminum foil, faux flowers, and other crafting materials.

Size: 6.5″ x 6.5″